Positive Psychology - interesting article
I am constantly amazed at the range of information on the internet. Every day I find yet more intersting websites, so thought it was about time I shared some of them!
Today I have been looking at http://www.psychotherapynetworker.com which is an opnline magazine for psychotherapists. There was a feature article by Richard Handler, entitled 'Can a course in positive psychology change your life?' on the study of positive psychology as promoted by Martin Seligman (author of Authentic Happiness, and Fox Leadership Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania). Handler writes about Dr Seligman's background and extensive research, and also the 20 week telecourse he did on this subject - which contains some useful, practical ideas on how to promote happiness.
An interesting read!
Martin Selgman's website is also worth a visit - http://www.authentichappiness.org. There is a great online survey you can take which gives you a report on your signature strengths, as well as other fascinating material.
Hope you find these sites of interest.
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