Sarah Ban Breathnach on Gratitude
“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance
i like your blog jackie. this one makes sense to me. we already have enough and constantly striving for the next "thing" that will make us happy or fulfilled takes us away from here,now, today, this moment. i can relate to it. when i really let go am grateful for what i already have, something positive usually happens.when i complain about whats missing i get stressed and forget what's already here. jon
I remembered hearing about Sarah Ban Breathnach's book on gratitude via the Oprah Winfrey show. I found a site on Oprah referring to it and find it interesting to relate to the interest from 2006 onwards on the message about gratitude in "The Secret". Gratitude is fundamental to the Law of Attraction.
Well, here goes. I saw this book in a charity shop and glanced at it, but I was in a rush and left. The next day I decided to go back and buy it but it had gone, and I was stressed as it was missing. So based on previous blog by Anonymous I am trying to let go and be grateful for what I already have, hoping something positive will happen. So based on this could someone please send me the book if they've finished reading it. I would be very grateful and in turn pass it on after I've read it! Promise. Address to send it to is: 32 Procter House
Avondale Sq London SE1 5EZ.
Thank you in advance if you send me it, and if I never get to read, oh well.
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