Worried about redundancy? Here's a great resource
It's been a long time since I blogged, but I wanted to let you know about a fabulous, FREE Telesummit coming up very soon (with lots of great speakers, including me!) and I'm pretty sure the information you’ll get will change your life, and give you the confidence to move forward.
Click here to visit Allison Galbraith.
The Redundancy Into Business Telesummit is run by Allison Galbraith, who specialises in helping people just like you who are about to be made redundant or 'laid off' (depending which side of the 'Pond' you are) handle this situation and start their own business on their own terms.
Click here to visit Allison Galbraith.
Allison’s now assembled eight speakers from around the world, experts in starting your own business, getting out of the job you hate at last, finding meaningful work, making that leap from employment to self-employment, getting over the blocks that hold many people back and so much more. And, she’s persuaded them to share their tips and secrets, the stuff many people pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars to get hold of! Well I didn't need much persuasion as I'm passionate about career coaching and so enjoy supporting my clients in finding the work they would LOVE to do!
Click here to visit Allison Galbraith.
Many people, especially if you’ve been in the job for a long time, are unprepared for the changes that suddenly happen when you lose the routine - and income - of work, however stressful the environment. Having the confidence and courage to start your own business can challenge even the most experienced and successful people but you know, more and more people are turning to self-employment these days, discovering their entrepreneurial spirit and running their own small business. Why not you?
Click here to visit Allison Galbraith.
I’m so excited to be joining Allison. The rewards you will reap from this amazing FREE telesummit will truly be worth your time to listen. You will come away feeling a sense of hope, enthusiasm and confidence to make the leap into business, get your life back on track on your own terms and ready to take on the world again. You deserve it!
To your future business success and happiness