Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Wealthy Author Christmas Launch

My publishers, Debbie Jenkins and Joe Gregory, are doing a special Christmas launch with over £150 of bonuses when you buy just one copy of their new book - The Wealthy Author - before Friday 18th December. You'll get a print copy of their acclaimed book, as well as loads of bonus content, ebooks and resources all authors and budding authors will love. You also get a 30 day membership at Publishing Academy.

This launch is limited to the first 200 people to buy because Debs and Joe want to ensure all their new customers are well looked after.

See http://www.publishingacademy.com/129-10-5-14.html

The Wealthy Author has been causing a stir amongst publishers and non-fiction authors because of its radical, and undeniably effective, approach to winning at the publishing game. The authors' (sometimes brutal) honesty about what it takes to succeed makes welcome reading whether you're a budding author looking for your first break or a published author wanting to take your sales profile and income to the next level.

However, before you rush off to buy the book it's important that you know who this book has been written for because if you're not that person then it won't matter if you want to get your hands on this information.

The Wealthy Author is NOT for people who...

1. Think a book should just do well because it's 'good' and marketing is no task for a 'proper' author
2. Expect somebody else (publisher, publicist, bookshops) to do all the work to promote their book
3. Just saw the 'wealthy' bit of the title and think making money as an author is going to be easy
4. Want yet more theory but are not willing to follow this up with action

The Wealthy Author is for you if...

1. You are serious about writing a non-fiction book and want to get it right first time
2. You have a book in print (self published or with a mainstream) but sales are disappointing
3. You believe that the success of your book is down to the actions you take, not the wishes you make
4. You are a 'successful' author but are frustrated you still need the day job to survive

Right - this email is getting long so I won't take up any more of your time. Here's the link again http://www.publishingacademy.com/129-6-5-10.html

Happy Reading!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

For budding authors

My friends Debbie Jenkins and Joe Gregory will be launching their Publishing Academy in a big way on 15th December but in the meantime they've permitted me to share a free Webinar entitled: 6 Essential Steps for Becoming a Wealthy Author. If you've ever considered writing and publishing a book then I'm sure you'll find the 6 steps outlined in this short video very informative: http://www.publishingacademy.com/129-2.html

Please note that because they're going to be offering loads of freebies as well as a copy of their new book, The Wealthy Author, on 15th December, I suggest you hold off buying their book until you hear from me again then.

Warmest wishes