Here are some questions to help you reflect on 2006 and make your plans for 2007. I’ve been thinking these through myself, and started work on them last month with my coaches (thanks Jon and Miriam!). You may want to start reflecting on them now, or wait a few weeks until the Christmas rush is long gone and you’ve settled into the new year. Whatever timing you choose, be objective, true to yourself, and use the process to clarify your intentions for the year - to create and live the life you really want!
1. What were your achievements and successes during the year (large and small) and how have you acknowledged them? What was the most wonderful thing that happened to you in 2006?
2. What personal insights and learning have you gained?
3. What are you grateful for?
4. What worked very well during the year and is worth repeating?
5. What didn’t work during the year and what can you do differently next time?
6. What was disappointing or stressful during the year – and what did you learn from that?
7. What is outstanding from 2006 that you’d truly like to finalise?
8. What could you let go? What’s not serving you, what are you tolerating, what can you leave behind?
9. What is your biggest dream for 2007? How will you know you have achieved it? How will it transform your life?
10. What are your goals in the following areas: health, wealth, career, personal development (this can include spirituality and contribution if you so wish), relationships and fun? Are your goals meaningful and in line with your values? Do they take account of your various roles in life (parent, partner, friend, employee/boss, son/daughter etc)? Imagine it’s 31 December 2007 and you are writing about your happy, satisfying year, perhaps a letter to a friend, or in a journal - what do you want to be writing?
11. How will 2007 be different from previous years?
12. What changes do you need to make in order to achieve your dream and make 2007 different? (Include habits and behaviours to drop as well as qualities and attitudes etc to adopt.) What could stop you? Do you need to do some clutter clearing – either tangible clearing or the intangible clearing of limiting negative beliefs?
13. What’s your strategy? What support, skills and resources do you need? Who will you share your goals with?
14. In what ways does your environment support you or detract you from your goals?
15. What’s the first step you are going to take towards your goals?
You are welcome to email me with your answers to the above questions ( as it is very powerful to be writing down and clarifying your thoughts and goals, and to share them. Please also contact me to explore how coaching can support you in achieving your goals, designing how you want 2007 to be and making it your best year yet!
Warmest wishes