Some thoughts on the year ahead by Philip Humbert
"In the coming twelve months the sun will move, the earth will tilt, the seasons will change. You cannot control these things. But you can control what time you get up in the morning. You can choose your attitude, your friends, your reading material, your diet, your focus and your goals. You can, to a remarkable degree, create the life you want. Choose well. Use your power." ~ Philip Humbert
Hi, just found your blog. Some great thoughts and articles. I look forward to reading more from your blog in the future.
I thought I would share a recent discovery I made about a brand new film that really helped me and several of my clients. the film is being called by many as the sequel to "The Secret" But in my opinion it far surpasses the secret in many ways. The film I am refering to is The Opus ( it features many of the cast from the original secret, people like Jack canfield, Joe Vitale, John demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman and Bob doyle. But it also features many new comers like Mark Victor Hansen, Douglas Vermeeren and Bill Bartmann. The film is really well done and has so much useful information. Normally, I don't get too involved with blogging but this is a film I think will make a big difference for a lot of people. check it out and share your thoughts...
Philip Humbert has some great insight. I really enjoyedd reading his thoughts and some articles. Great post. Keep up the great work!
Thanks to you all for taking the time to comment on this posting, much appreciated. It's been a while since I have been able to post on my blog, but I'm back again now!
Thanks to Elizabeth for sharing details of the Opus film.
Warmest wishes
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