Monday Motivation - 29 October
"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." ~ Charles Dickens, 1812-1870, Novelist
This blog will be updated regularly with a range of information relating to happiness, positive psychology and personal development. There will be quotations, articles, coaching tips, news, websites of interest, general relevant information – and probably some random musings! Please feel free to add your comments. Warmest wishes, Jackie
This quote remined me that after two years since the diagnosis invasive breast, chemotherapy, radition, oral chemo for five years....How does one find present blessings through all of that? Reflecting on my blessing of breakthrough technology and development of cancer fighting drugs (I refer to them as rat poision) that give me an 86% chance of eliminating this monster that invaded my body. I recently read John Assarafs, "Having It All" (check out the free chapter about,Your Powerful Brain at
and have decided that many of my blessings were in place when the cancer diagnosis came about. A loving family, great doctors, compassionate co-workers, miracle medicine and an as Assaraf states and I confirm an "Interpersonal Intelligence" that allows me to value my own emotions, my life philosophy and set internal goals that are positive for a cancer survivor. Blessed am I as I reflect upon my present blessings.
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